On Friday week 2 we made a pita pocket. and Me and Alazae made the best one's out of the whole class that's what the teacher said. and we made ours with barbecue sauce and tomato sauce ham lettuce. and cheese. and we cut ours close to perfect. and then we cut the lettuce into little pieces and after all of that we packed everything away. then ate it. here's the recipe
1 pita casing per person
Grated carrot
¼ onions
1t oil
Sauces – tomato, bbq, mayo, hummus, chilli
1 slice of ham
Hi Matangi. A great start to your blog. Did I really say that? Wow! They must have looked good. To make your blog match those comments you need to include photos of the mise en place and the finished product and your valuation of the product - did you like it and why eg. taste, texture etc.